His Guiding Light Ministries

About Us
God has performed numerous miraculous healings and salvations through John and Betty Trombetta, founders of His Guiding Light Ministries. In the beginning of ministry, twenty two years ago, the Lord told Betty she would have a ministry life and after a time, began homes for single mother families in Texas called His Guiding Light Ministries.
Seeking to better support the moms’ spiritual growth, Betty graduated from Charis Bible College in 2008 and attended Randy Clark's, Global Awakening Summer Intensive Training in Supernatural Ministry in 2013. The Lord then began to perform miracles and healings through Betty and direct her into a healing ministry work as she studied the group of early healers known by many as, "God's Generals", and also studied today's "movers and shakers" like Todd White with the group called, Power and Love, Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Heidi Baker, Joan Hunter, Cal Pierce with Healing Rooms International, among others.
Watching God transform single mothers from street to success and heal the sick through Betty’s work, John caught the fire of serving God, retired from his 25 year long career and began teaching the revelations the Lord was bringing to him and started going to Charis Bible College in 2016.
As the Lord began using John and Betty to prepare His called ones for ministry, their lives and passions escalated even more so and together sought out training and ordination from Joan Hunter Ministries. In 2017 John and Betty went to Healing Rooms International in Spokane, WA to be trained as Healing Rooms Directors, in order to open a Healing Rooms in Colorado Springs after John was to graduate from Charis in 2018.
The Lord has since separated John and Betty into ministry together and has begun to multiply healings and miracles through their ministry. The Lord has given John and Betty a powerful revelation of His work to heal in the submitted hearts of those who seek Him and is now sending them out to bring His message of healing to His church.
They have now seen great healing works of God in people that have received prayer. They have seen brain cancer regress, A.D.D. healed, back problems healed, legs grown out and more! (see our Testimonies page to read about these!) They are seeing healings on a consistent basis. John and Betty are accepting invitations from churches to speak to them about healing, holding healing services and providing discipleship to those who are hungry for God and His plan for their lives.